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Now in its 29th edition, the 2024 UK Spencer Stuart Board Index is a comprehensive review of board composition and governance practice in the largest 150 companies in the FTSE rankings, providing a valuable perspective on the health of boardrooms during 2023–2024.
Key takeaways from the UK Spencer Stuart Board Index
Includes: Board size and independence, executive chairs and vice chairs, executives on the board, length of service, age of directors
Includes: Ethnic diversity, gender diversity, the intersection of ethnic and gender diversity, women in senior board and leadership positions, foreign directors
Includes: New directors, new chairs, new non-executives, first-time non-executive directors
Includes: ESG committees, sustainability committees, CSR committees, remuneration
Includes: Audit, remuneration, nomination and other committees: meetings and committee size, profile of committee members
Includes: Chairs, senior independent directors, non-executive directors, average total fees, remuneration for committee chairs and members
Includes: Board meetings, external commitments, overboarding, board evaluation