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Accelerating women in leadership: How far can we go?

The path forward for women is one of open-ended possibility when leaders and organizations take action.

Diverse perspectives in leadership drive innovation, growth and financial performance, yet women continue to be underrepresented in senior-level leadership roles. We surveyed over 2,300 women leaders globally about how far we have come and how we can continue to progress.

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Our research shows:

Women are split on the pace of progress in the workplace.

Nearly half (49%) of women leaders we surveyed see progress for women stalling or reversing.


Organizations can do more to retain and develop women within their own walls.

87% of women leaders are confident they can achieve their career ambitions; 51% said they can at their current company.


CEOs are more optimistic about the climate for women leaders in their own organizations versus other women leaders.

Three-quarters of women CEOs believe that the climate for women in their own organization is excellent/good.


Yet only 56% of female C-suite leaders — and less than half of senior VPs and VPs — rate the climate in their organizations as highly.


Women leaders identified the following organizational career drivers and derailers:


  • Male sponsor
  • Supportive supervisor
  • External professional network
  • Rotational developmental assignments


  • Promotions based on who you know vs. your performance
  • Unconscious bias
  • Women being held to higher standards than men

When they understand the drivers and derailers, leaders and companies can proactively find ways to accelerate progress for women in leadership.

Read the report



Insights to help leaders and organizations take action

How far can we go? Real progress for women requires prolonged, active participation of both organizations and current leaders. What can leaders, teams and organizations do to dismantle barriers and elevate gender diversity in top positions? Spencer Stuart has the experience and insights to help leaders bridge the gaps, accelerate action and drive breakthrough results at each level.