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Point of View, our global flagship publication, explores important business and leadership issues — including the factors driving greater complexity for businesses — and shares insights and ideas to help leaders be more effective and successful.

Taking the measure of leadership

What would CEOs and board directors ask their peers if they had a chance? It turns out top leaders have a wide range of questions for one another, from the highly practical to existential questions about how they maintain their motivation and drive. Our inaugural Measure of Leadership report draws on quantitative survey data and thousands of candid written comments to answer the question: What’s on the minds of CEOs and board directors today? In a separate study, we hear from board directors on the state of sustainability.

Exploring leadership transitions

Why do CEOs leave? What are the backgrounds of their successors? How can new CEOs quickly align their team to advance their early agenda? What differences and similarities do we see in the composition of boards around the world? Our latest issue answers these questions and more.

Further reading

License to Transform: An Expectation to Deliver

Our latest annual report on sustainability leadership examines the changing role of the CSO and proposes key questions to help them and their teams implement the transformation they’ve been given license to deliver.

Accelerating performance in a new role

We've collected advice and insights for getting a strong start in new leadership roles.

Diversity Matters in CEO Transitions

Boards, CEOs and CHROs must reframe how they think about CEO search and succession planning in six areas to help create more diverse representation at the top in the future.

Going Deeper: Why the Future of Leadership is Beneath the Surface

The most effective leaders will create the conditions for their organization to respond agilely to change by drawing on the human elements of leadership.

CHRO at the Center: Maximizing the Impact of CEO Succession Planning

CHROs play a nuanced and pivotal role in CEO succession planning. Here are five recommendations for maximizing their impact.

From Founder-Led to Founder-Inspired: How Founders Can Create Companies That Outlast Their Leadership

Advice and best practices for founders who want to ensure their company’s leadership grows with the needs of the business.