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Digital CHRO Roundtable with BCG on the Covid-19 Crisis

May 2020

How are major HR departments dealing with the challenges of the current virus pandemic? Which approaches by CHROs for digitally leading teams and keeping organisational structures running were particularly successful? And which conclusions can be drawn for the upcoming ramp-up phase and the New Normal?

Questions such as these were the topic of discussion at the joint digital CHRO Roundtable “Covid-19: People Priorities for the Ramp-Up and New Normal”, which was recently hosted by Spencer Stuart Germany’s HR Practice and BCG. The aim of the event was to support CHROs in mastering the corona crisis via facilitating best practice exchange and establishing a networking platform.

The topic of BCG’s introductory presentation were fields of activity arising from the ramp-up and the New Normal, including concrete recommendations for action with focus on optimal communication and people as a central anchor point. The conclusion: The New Normal has to start right now. In the following discussion, Dr. Simone Siebeke, Head of the German HR Practice of Spencer Stuart, moderated 35 CHROs of DAX-listed and other major German companies through discussion of best practice examples and experiences. What most agreed on: The crisis has its positive aspects as well – for example for assessing leadership qualities and as an opportunity and accelerator for major changes (such as the introduction of new business models or by increased efficiency of processes).

The participants‘ feedback about the Roundtable was overwhelmingly positive. Therefore, the interactive event format will be continued in the near future. We welcome interested CHROs (please contact Simone Siebeke).