This is a guide for people who aspire to become chair of the board or are becoming a chair for the first time.
We describe the steps to becoming a chair in the UK, what the role involves, and the personal characteristics needed to chair a board effectively. We focus on non-executive chairs of quoted company boards, although we briefly consider other types of board.
This is a great time for anyone thinking of becoming a board chair for two reasons: the opportunities are becoming more numerous and the role more interesting. For those who have had a successful executive career, it is a hard transition to make and yet it can be a deeply satisfying one.
Topics include
Why become a chair?
Am I suitable to be a chair?
Have you the time to take on this responsibility?
How long can you serve?
How does the appointment process work?
Closing the appointment
Taking over
Working with the CEO
Performance management
Managing the board
Shareholders and stakeholders
Other external relationships and the governance burden
Managing meetings
Leadership style
Personal development